under, in-between, 2017 15’x 10’x 18’ wood, gypsum, door, window, storm window, linoleum tile, steel bed, mattress, light, chair, tarp, metal grate.under, in-between is a site-specific immersive construction. The work investigates notions of privacy…

under, in-between, 2017
15’x 10’x 18’
wood, gypsum, door, window, storm window, linoleum tile, steel bed, mattress, light, chair, tarp, metal grate.

under, in-between is a site-specific immersive construction. The work investigates notions of privacy and surveillance, isolation and memory. The viewer enters the installation through a locker door and into a dark hallway. At the end of the hall they find a flight of stairs with light spilling out from above. The light comes down through a hole just large enough for one’s head to pass through into the space above. As the viewer looks around they find themselves under a bed in someone’s private room. A full length mirror is hung on the wall opposite the bed and the viewer can see both themselves and the room reflected in the mirror.

Installation photos by Charlotte Woolf.

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