Terminal, 2018
18’x 8’x 8’
black acrylic, carpet, wood, steel pallet shelf components, rolling warehouse stairs, lights, weeping willow tree, surveillance mirror, various personal objects.
Terminal is a liminal container that mediates different binaries. It exists as both a physical space within which objects have been dislocated and trapped, as well as an imaginary state. The slick reflective surfaces and steel frames coupled with the wire mesh flooring, lighting and gridded shadows create a space resembling a hotel where bodies are free to move, and at the same time a prison, where movement is highly regulated and controlled. Upon entering, the viewer becomes acutely aware of their body in relation to the space through tension between the structure’s stability and moments of instability. This interaction activates the interior and the viewer becomes an added material in the work.
Installation photos by Sean Keenan, Brant Foundation.